Mathlab Math 472 Support Page

The lab consists primarily of dual booting Windows 2000/Linux Pentium 4 machines. There are also 4 old Macs.

The course web page for Spring 2003 is here.

Information about using the lab in this course is

Programs to support Math 472 in the lab include:
Local Support Notes on Using DataDesk
can be started from a desktop icon on all Windows machines in the lab.
Consultants do vary in their mathematical backgrounds, so some will not be familiar with the underlying mathematics here. At most times when the lab is open, even consultants not familiar with algebra at the level of your course have ready access to immediate support by telephone, so please don't hesitate to ask questions when you have them.

E-mail to lab director Dr. Allen Back is also a good way to get advice about doing statistics on systems in the lab.

Mathlab Hours During the Semester

Last Update: January 22, 2003