Dynamics Solver Quick Reference

This is very high quality freeware for Dynamical Systems on Windows from Juan Aguirregabinia in Spain. The program is installed in the directory C:\Programs\Dynamics Solver in the Mathlab and is also listed on the Programs menu. Extensive ocumentation can be found in that folder or here.


The tutorial focuses on the case of a higher dimensional system. It can be started within Windows from the Tutorial entry of the Dynamic Solver submenu of Programs.

Entering a System

Most entries about a new system are made from submenus of the edit menu.
First enter the type and dimension
of your system using the type dialog box from the edit menu.
Supported types are System of ODE's, Map, or Single ODE (higher order) ODE .
have both a collective name e.g. x and individual names. Components (or higher derivatives for systems) can be referred to as x[i] or by their individual names. It is best to keep the individual and collective names distinct. distinct.
are the next item to be entered from the dialog box below the edit menu.
A Graph Window
must be created from a menu entry on the Output menu.
Initial Conditions
Printing is via screen dump (alt print-screen and paste into Microsoft Paint).
Some options are Disabled
probably because of incompatibilities with Windows 2000 style security.
Files acan be saved
below the directories C:\tmp or C:\users.

Last Update: August 29, 2002