Basic Latex

Basic Program Usage:

Unix (teTex package)
Edit filename.tex with your favorite editor, e.g. gedit under gnome, or emacs.
Create filename.dvi by the invocation
 latex filename
Create postscript by the invocation
 dvips filename -o 
Create filename.pdf by the invocation
 pdflatex filename 
Print to the default printer with the invocation
 dvips filename 
Create html with the invovation
 latex2html filename 
Windows (Winedt/miktex)
Edit filename.tex with winedt, from the start menu.
Invoke latex by pushing the latex button or using the accessories menu.
Preview with yap from the accesories menu.
Print from the file menu or create pdf from the pdf submenu of the accesories menu.
Winedt has many buttons and menus for inserting elements of latex syntax into your files.
Mac (OzTex)
Edit filename.tex with alpha or bbedit lite.
The program alpha has many buttons and menus for inserting elements of latex syntax into your files.
Process, print and preview with OzTex.
One brief introduction to latex is Beginning Latex from Ohio State.

Here is a local sample document (pdf | html | tex) illustrating basic mathematical constructions in latex.

Other references (e.g Math Symbols) and instructions for including pictures are at our web page TeX Sources.

Exercise: Using your favorite system (e.g. winedt/miktex on Windows) try to produce a tex file which could produce output visually like the small pythagorean triplet proof here postscript |pdf | html. Use the postscript file which was produced by export from Maple V R7.

Mathlab Home Page

Last Update: September 20, 2002