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As you do the following questions, we'd like you to look at a fair
number of results of
gr1 := pargrm_image_2d([vi,vj],Ak);
display(gr1, scaling=constrained);
but don't print them all. Also note that once you have two lines
like the above in your Maple session, you can just edit the indices
and then hit ENTER again to see the next set of
In these questions, some parts involve looking at a computer result,
while others involve a mathematical argument. We'll use the symbol
to indicate questions whose answers are primarily of a computer
nature and
for questions requesting other arguments. Some parts
of the questions, are providing defintions and explanations; you
don't need to answer those of course!
- a)
- A square matrix
with the property that
the identity is called orthogonal. Show
meet this
definition of orthogonality. (The importance of the definition
is that the associated linear transformations preserve distances and
- b)
- Look
at the result of transformation
on the
four parallelograms above. A reflection of
is an
orthogonal transformation
with the further property that it leaves one
nonzero vector
fixed (i.e.
) and reverses another
). The vector
is called
the axis of the reflection. Print
out one picture suggesting
what the axis of
is likely to be. Then show
algebraically that
as above exist for
- c)
- Look
at the result of transformation
on the
four parallelograms above. Can you see why
the word rotation is
used to describe the action of
? (To explain this, relate a picture to the
ordinary English meaning of the word.) Show
has no nonzero
fixed vectors, i.e.
for all vectors
- d)
- It can be shown that all rotations are of the form
for some angle
. Show
that the matrices
both rotations. (It is in fact true that the composition of two reflections is always a
- e)
- Look
at the result of transformation
on the
four parallelograms above. A shear transformation of
is a
linear transformation with the properties:
- It leaves one nonzero vector
). The vector
is the axis of
the shear.
- For any vector
, the difference between
is parallel to the axis
By looking at the results of the transformation
on the
four parallelograms above, find
the axis of the shear
. Also, show algebraically
meets the definition
above of a shear transformation.
- f)
- Look
at the result of linear transformation
. Explain using the definition above
why this picture suggests
is a
shear. What is its axis (
- g)
- Look
at the result of transformation
on the
four parallelograms above. A dilation is a linear transformation
preserving angles and directions, but not necessarily distances. Show
for any two vectors
, the angle between them
is the same as the angle between their images
- h)
- Look
at the result of transformation
. Give
a description of what you see in terms of
change of scale of the sides of
. Does
this change of scale
interpretation appear to hold for any of the other parallelograms ?
- i)
- Print
out the result of transformation
on one of these parallelograms, and explain
the result.
One reason for talking about shears, dilations, and orthogonal
transformations is that any linear transformation of
can be expressed as
a composition of one each of these together with one more basic
transformation, a strain. A typical strain would be given by the matrix
This also generalizes to higher dimensions.
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