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Analyzing the Population Changes

The state data for 1980 in the table of regional population distribution above could be entered in Maple using the commands:

S[80] := vector( [.2167,.2599, .1906, .3327 ] );
You can enter the data S[90] for 1990 similarly.

Let T be the 4 x 4 matrix

\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
.8166 & .085 & .01 & .01 \\
.01 ...
...01 & .97 & .01 \\
.0744 & .01 & .01 & .97
\end{array} \right)

This problem will start out by testing the appropriateness of T as a possible transition matrix describing regional population shifts over a decade.

By multiplying T on the left by the row vector [1,1,1,1], show that the sums of the columns of T are close to 1. (Explain why multiplying by this row vector is calculating the column sum.)
Show that T approximately accounts for the change from 1980 to 1990, i.e. $T \circ S[80]$ is approximately S[90].
Compute $T^{50} \circ S[80]$, $T^{100} \circ S[80]$, and $T^{200} \circ S[80]$, and compare these results. What does the comparison suggest ?
Use the row operations package to approximately solve the system $T \circ w = w$. Explain why a state vector w satisfying this equation would represent an unchanging (steady-state ) population distribution for this model.
Maple Comments:
Compare your steady state answer to the result of $T^{100} \circ S[80]$ above. In converting your solution to one the sum of whose components is 1, you may find it helpful to use the Maple commands
v_sum := add(v[i],i=1..4);
if v is a vector or
v_sum := add(v[i,1],i=1..4);
if v is a 4 x 1 matrix to add up the 4 components of v and
mult := u -> u/v_sum;
The latter define a helper function multiplying any number by 1/v_sum, and then apply that function to each entry of v.

The transition matrix T is just one Markov chain model consistent with the data. You might find it interesting to think about other possibilities.

The fact that 3 and 4 agree can be shown to hold in general for Markov matrices as long as some power has all its entries strictly positive. But it's not obvious ....

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