Computer and Portfolio Exercises
Samples and Resources
- Reformed Math 112 : Basic Syllabus:
- A hypertext index to a large range of activities and assignments for a second semester calculus course at Cornell. Lots of very valuable advice as well.
- Some Analyzer* Actvities
- A locally produced sampler of 10 short problems to highlight interesting elementary uses.
- Simple ODE and Taylor Activities
- Sailing and Vectors
- Ithaca College Projects Table of Contents
- A listing of activities and projects from the Instructional Materials
developed at IC with NSF support and published by John Wiley.
Quick Experimentation Worksheets
- Quadric_think
- Maple 7 Worksheet
- Linear_Approx and Limit Experiments
- Maple 7 Worksheet
- Gravitational Experiments
- Maple 6 Worksheet
- Taylor Experiments
- Maple 7 Worksheet
- Lagrange Multiplier Experiments
- Maple 7 Worksheet
Larger Assignments
- Early Graphs:
- Some exploration exercises to start off a multivariable calculus class.
One example looks at quadric surfaces as a function of parameter. Another
asks people to produce functions matching some graphical desacriptions. A
third compares an implicit curve with the implicit curve of some of its
algebraic approximations.
- Early Graphs2:
- Another set of such exercises. Quadric related.
- Multivariable limits:
- Mostly uses a variety of techniques to establish non-existence of limits.
Can be correlated with the Maple worksheet Multivariable Limits
- Linear approximation:
- Looks at the geometry of a map from R^2 to itself, as well as its
linear approximation somewhere. Can be correlated with the Maple worksheet Linear Approximation.
- Velocity and Acceleration:
- One example looks at velocity and acceleration of a particular curve,
and graphics to identify maxima and minima. Another compares the phase
portrait of a nonlinear vector field on the plane with that of its
linearization somewhere. Can be correlated with the Maple worksheet Curves.
- Taylor Series and Least Squares:
- One exercise uses a symbolic algebra system to derive and and fit a
least squares approximation to an equation of state. The other problems
look at multivariable Taylor series and error estimates associated.
Can be correlated with the Maple worksheets Least Squares and Taylor Series .
- Phase Plane and Gradient Vector Fields:
- Relates the max/min properties of quadratic forms to the phase
portraits of their associated gradient vector fields.
- Roots as Functions of Coefficients:
- Studies the dependence of root as a function of coefficient, especially
near a multiple root of a cubic equation.
- Implicit Solution and Volterra Models:
- Uses implicit differentiation and related techniques to estimate behavior
along an implicitly defined predator-prey relation.
- Orientation Activity
- Markov Chains
- Row Operations Documentation
- 2-d Geometry
- Determinants and Eigenvectors
- Message Transfer Using Powers Mod a Prime
- Numerical experiments
- Flow Lines, Vector Fields, Numerical Integration, Div and Curl
- Conformal Mapping V1a
- Conformal Mapping V1b
- Compositions of Three Reflections in Sketchpad
- Strip Patterns.
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Last Update: August 23, 2002